Sunday, March 11, 2007

City Hall

1978, I had just left the Army and returned to my home town in Arizona. I had gotten a job with a small well drilling outfit and had been working there for about two months. The bosses daughter had taken a liking to me and life was looking pretty rosy.
About a month before I had started work one of the partners had taken a hike with all the company's money leaving the other (my boss) with tons of bills and a company name that was fast sliding into the mud.
I had agreed to work for a low wage in the hopes of a bigger raise when the company got cought up on bills and dug themselves out of the hole. So I stayed out in a small trailer twenty miles from town, putting in 6 ten hour days on a cable tool drilling rig, and getting sundays off to go into town and get supplies and exchange reading material. Back then I was really into how-to books of every description. Mostly new technologies. Solar power was getting a lot of reviews as was wind generators, and Mother Earth News was to me like a Christmas catalog. I was gearing up for a good lession.
My boss was behind in a lot of bills but he had sworn he wasn't going to file bankruptacy, not that the city cared. They started to send collection letters for his utilities and threatened to cut off all power and water. I also tend to think there was other things going that I didn't know about because the city was really digging it to him.
We had just finished a well and had gotten the rig back into town when the city turned off his power and water. and he blew a fuse. After spending a couple of hours cussing and thinking, we got to work.
First we hooked up the welding generator to the house for power and borrowed a stock tank from a friend and filled it up for water storage.The next day we setup the drilling rig in his back yard and started drilling. This was back before you had to have permits and before Arizona passed a law stating all water was owned by the state. While i was running the drilling the boss was digging a hole for a septic tank as they were hooked up to city sewage and he was afraid
they were going to cut that off to. He also pulled a propane refridgerator out of a wrecked rv and spliced into his propane gas line from his tank, it was small but they at least had something to keep his food from spoiling
By the first afternoon the city had sent the police to stop the drilling and they had some lively arguments. The boss knew his drilling laws and there was nothing on the books at the time to stop him so we kept right on going. Over the next two weeks every one of the city officials came by to argue and threaten, they cut off his sewage and trash removel, threatened him with lawsuits and generally made it very entertaining for me.
When we got the well in and the pump set. and pulled the rig off, the city quit comeing around and things got quiet. We moved on to another well outside of town and life for me went back to the day to day routine of work.
About two weeks later when i went into town for supplies, and a little time with the bosses daughter, she told me the city had backed off and would let him make small payments for his utilities (for the sake of his kids) and had apologized ( in their own way) for kicking him when he was down.
What i learned was this, If you are on the grid and get in bad with the city, they have a strong hold on you and can threaten you with cutting off your utilities. but if you are off the grid and have plenty of supplies they seem to be a little more reasonable when you sit down and talk to them. Disasters are often times not caused by the weather and even though it cost more up front and the lifestyle is a little more inconvienent, you sleep a lot better at night knowing that you don't have to beg the city, state, or the feds for help.